CAP annually serves over 3000 clients through the following programs:
Early Head Start (EHS): Early Head Start (EHS) is a home-based program that serves prenatal women and families with children under age 3. Family Support Workers work directly with the parents, the most important people in the world to the child, in the setting that is most familiar and has the most meaning to both the child and the parents. Weekly 90 minute visits offer information and activities to support families in parenting, child development, health and nutrition, and family development. Monthly playgroups and opportunities for parents/guardians to work together on a policy council and parent committee are offered. EHS partners with families to build a strong and secure foundation for their children’s future.
Mentoring (DSS Intensive Mentoring): Intensive Mentoring matches Mentors with youth ages 9 and older for up to approximately 26 months. The program provides youth the ability to engage with their community and explore new opportunities through the ongoing support of their Mentor. The full program is based on a 3-tiered approach to support youth needs while also providing safe and natural attrition from the program. All visits, regardless of tier level, are provided at a minimum 2-hour duration. Mentors also coordinate multi-youth gatherings and larger group events to increase social opportunities for all youth in the program. These events may be planned around a community or time sensitive event, youth interests or needs, and/or thematic topic like bullying, self-care, or academics.
Volunteer Mentoring (Youth Bureau): The Volunteer Mentoring program matches youth ages 8-16 years of age with an adult community volunteer. The match is intended to last for one full year to expose the youth to a positive and supportive adult who may coach or guide them through life decisions. Program focus includes, but is not limited to, self-esteem, relationship building, connection to the community, opportunities for volunteering, exploration of interests and new experiences, as well as academics, vocational pursuits and goal setting.
Family Action: The Family Action program aims to keep caregivers and children together while relieving household challenges which may otherwise impact the family’s success. Families may be experiencing challenges related to finances, parenting, household cleanliness, relationships, household stability, amongst other things. The program is unique to each family it serves, as the approach may differentiate based on the family’s personal network, finances, resources, abilities and preferences. Families guide the process and create their own goals with the support of their Case Planner. Case Planners also connect individuals and families to Madison County resources including DSS, mental health, HUD, Catholic Charities, Health Homes Care Management, food and housing agencies as well as schools.
Healthy Families NY: The Healthy Families New York is an evidence-based program offering home-based services to expectant families and new parents, beginning prenatally or shortly after the birth of the child. The program focuses on the parent-child interaction and can help with breast feeding support, prenatal care, child development screening and activities as well as making referrals to other community resources. Participants are screened to identify risk factors and stressors that the family may face. An approved curriculum is used on home visits that focus on parent child interaction and child development. Families who participate in the program are offered long-term in-home services until the child is in school or Head Start.
Temporary Services: Facilitators assist individuals and families with housing stabilization needs, working toward goals set by the family. Services include budget counseling, information, skill building, and help accessing needed resources. Support may include temporary financial assistance for transportation and housing needs based on income and program guidelines. Temporary assistance given may include: Utility assistance, Heat assistance, Rental assistance, Budgeting and financial assistance, Transportation assistance, Employment assistance, Resume assistance, Referral to community and government services.
Housing: Housing Facilitators assist families and individuals who are homeless or at a high risk of becoming homeless. They can help the family to identify the unique circumstances that contributed to the obstacles which they are now facing. The program provides stabilizing resources and supports to address those circumstances through intensive case management. Our Transitional Apartment complex provides a safe, temporary, and affordable housing for families with children dealing with homelessness. Additionally, we provide supportive services for ESSHI eligible homeless persons who are homeless suffering from a serious mental illness; victims/survivors of domestic violence; and young adults between the ages of 18-25 residing in the Burke Landing supportive apartments in Cazenovia.
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children): WIC’s goal is to improve the health and nutrition of moms and kids. It is well known that pregnancy and early childhood are among the most important times for growth and development. WIC offers nutrition education, breastfeeding support, referrals, and a variety of nutritious foods to low-income pregnant, breastfeeding or postpartum women, infants and children up to age five to promote and support good health. Breastfeeding Peer Counselors are moms are who are experienced at breastfeeding. They offer support to help make breast feeding a positive experience for the mom and baby. Peer Counselors are also available to talk during their clinic hours.
Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA): TBRA provides monthly assistance or security deposit and first month’s rent for households at or below 60% of area median income. Assistance can move with the household and varies based on income and rent considerations detailed below. The tenant can participate for up to 24 months.
Madison Healthy @ Home: In partnership with the county Health Department, Madison Healthy @ Home program addresses health and safety issues in the home identified by a comprehensive Healthy Homes assessment. Units are assessed and repairs and renovations are done where health and safety issues have been identified. Priority is given to privately owned, low-income rental and/or owner- occupied housing, especially in units and/or buildings where families with children, older adults sixty-two (62) years and older, or families with persons with disabilities live.
Permanency Resource Center (PRC): The PRC offers case management, advocacy, referrals and appointment assistance to kinship caregivers, adoptive, and guardianship families residing in Chenango and Oneida counties. Caregivers include grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins or adult siblings caring for related children, as well as close family friends or similar non-relative relationships. Kinship caregivers can be through informal arrangements (without court involvement) or those with court ordered custody. Families with guardianship or adopted children are also supported through this program.